One and only the biggest free online matchmaker. It covers the complete gamut; you can find a pen pal, as well as an active sexual partner, as well as covering the gays lesbians and bisexuals. Because it has a huge database of member’s you are seriously advised to be specific about your requirements. Wanted “active sexual partner in America” will have you trawling the database for weeks. You have been warned!

The first thought to my old eyes, on reviewing this site, is that it is professionally designed, the colours are pleasing, and the lady on the home page is not a young vacuous dolly bird, well at least she doesn’t look it. The colours and presentation of its logo are great; it’s visually appealing to a more experienced person. I refuse to reveal my age for the benefit of the whole of the Internet, but the last time I saw 40 was on a doorknocker. One of the other things that I liked about this site is that it also has one of the largest databases for the more mature. Though I have to say I was personally annoyed to find myself bracketed into that age range!

There are ways on this site to prioritise your requirements, if you have stated your specific requirements you can be notified by e-mail when someone compatible has registered. However this will only be in a specific geographical region if that is what you have stated.
This is certainly one of the best bets to place a free ad to find an ideal dating partner, they do not offer any online chat rooms, but it is well worth placing a free ad. Happy hunting to y’all, whatever you are looking for.

Rating definitely 5/5

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