How to Trust Men Again After a Bad Experience

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Relationships are some of the most complex things in our lives, as they require a lot of work to function properly. This is why it often ends with a bad or poor experience, whether we are talking about a few months or years. It doesn’t matter whether this has occurred due to cheating or by other means, when it comes to many women, finding the power to move on is not a simple thing to do. More importantly, you might find it difficult to trust the other men after such an experience.

Decide to move on

Perhaps the most important thing to do to trust men again is the first step in this complicated process: deciding that you want to trust them again. Getting over your experience will not happen quickly because a bad romance or relationship always creates a huge barrier requiring focused dedication to climb over. This is why you need to understand what hurt you most in the previous relationship before you can move on to other men.

Take your time

Don’t think that once you decided to move on, you can simply start dating again and everything will be OK. Allow yourself to get some order back in your life when it comes to your feelings and to establish  your priorities. Once you do, you can begin experiencing romance again and start the actual process of healing.


Forget about defensive strategies

It is normal to feel uncomfortable or angry after your trust has been broken. However, if you want to learn how to gain confidence again, you need to remove that barrier. This doesn’t mean that you should trust everyone around you, but you shouldn’t easily reject someone just because you have suffered in the past. Show an interest in any man who tries to get close to you instead of turning him away. Simply show some courtesy and use that to slowly bring you back to a comfortable social position with men again.

Ask for help

You don’t have to get over your male related issues alone. Allow friends to help you with their support and advice. If this is not enough and you cannot get over your distrust no matter how much you try, you should consider seeking professional help. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. A professional person who is neutral and is also qualified as a therapist can provide you with answers or solutions more often than not. You can even download help in the form of eBooks and guides these days, some specifically for women. Our own brand of eGuide explains how to get a man. There’s some extra free related literature that you can lay your hands on there too.

As you probably know, there is no perfect answer because everyone’s experience is different but I do know the more you work on this issue, the better it gets. You will find that both time and friends’ support are extremely beneficial in these scenarios. Besides that, keep in mind a few tips which will allow you to get through this process easier and faster:

  • Don’t postpone the moment when you want to really live again and put your trust in men as you once did.
  • Think about men as you think about women: there are women who cheat in a relationship, as do men. Equally, there are women who don’t cheat etc. Not all women are the same, and this also applies to men.
  • Seek out therapy if this is what you think you need. Usually you’ll be the best judge of this
  • Deal with your anger and sadness emotions instead of ignoring them because in time, this is how you will heal the scars. Also, this is how you will learn to understand that all men are not always created equal. In this sense anyway!

If you’re ready to take action and learn all you can about finding, attracting and keeping a man, I think this is an excellent source of free dating tips for women. Have a look – you simply sign-up and they arrive by email and they explain a lot!

Hope this has been helpful.

Billy Baker


  • Linda

    Well my concern is that I cant trust no men, I had a relationship for 6 yrs and we broke up cause he turn to be a liar. And the worst thing that it hurt was that he pretand to be a christian guy, we used to go to chruch and pray but still he hurt me real bad with another women. Ever since its been very hard for me to trust men, every time I get close to someone I always tell them that I dont belive them and that I know they have someone else and the bad thing is that I dont even know that but I just cant help it, one guy that I got to like alot he told me that he didnt want to talk to me anymore cause I needed to get out of that trip so he stop talking to me, another guy that I liked to it happen the same thing he told me that I needed professional help
    that I was sick from me mind, he really hurt me by saying that cause I know I dont need help its that they dont understand that its very hard for me to belive them, I start imageneing things like why if he has someone else, if he tells me that he is going to sleep early I dont believe him, right away I think that he is making all this so he can go see some one else, and the bad thing is that I wasnt like this before I had that relasionship with that guy the one I was for six years. Can you please advise me something.

  • Kristi

    I don’t know you so I can’t tell you if you need professional help. I do know I have been in your shoes and living with a liar is devasting in so many ways.

    You have to fix yourself first you need time to heal, find out what is really important to you and don’t talk about your experience with your ex it sends out big red flags. Once you established a relationship you feel is worth the long term commitment then you can talk about your trust issues. Trust must be don’t have to trust them but if you don’t you might miss out on someone great.

    Never accuse it always puts someone on the defensive. Instead let your partner know with his help you can overcome your challenges with trust. If someone really loves you they will work with you not against you.

    Lastly, as hard as it is, the liar is a creep and part of your past leave him there for good he is not worth any more of your energy.

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