Millionaire match
What they say about themselves.
“Our clients include CEOs, professional athletes and doctors, lawyers, investors, entrepreneurs, professional models and cheerleaders, engineers, and movie directors, just to name a few.
Everyone is welcome here to find their perfect matches or quality friendships. Although many of their customers have income levels up to $100 million, you don’t have to be rich or famous to enjoy the site.
This Millionaire webiste is the largest and perhaps the most successful destination in this category. As a member, you can discover your compatibility between you and your new friends, or the person of your dreams. They know time is important to you. That’s why their enrolment form is simple and easy to use, and features the right search criteria for you to quickly place your ad and search others.”
Voted “Best of the Web” by, in the Spring of 2003
Strangely enough as it is a site for successful people it was the only one in which I found a spelling mistake on the home page. However, that is no reason not to give this site a high rating –