Senior Dating: 4 Important Rules On First Dates

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Many people in their golden years find Senior Dating hard to start looking for or starting new relationships because they think they are too old to start dating again.  However, there are still people over fifty who are discovering new horizons, meeting other people and finding love again.  For single seniors, dating is fun and it’s never too late to get started.  In fact, there are many single seniors who have tried going out and many of them decided to marry again.

Aside from the traditional way of meeting the opposite sex, many single seniors are discovering seniors dating sites online that can help them find other single seniors and start the process of dating in easier and targeted manner.  Be it the traditional way or with the help of internet, the feeling of nervousness about a forthcoming date will always be there.

First dates always never fail to stimulate anxiety in a person, whatever the age.  For seniors on their first dates, this could be nerve-wracking.  This is completely normal but you can overcome this if you keep it in perspective and plan well ahead.  If you are on your first date, here are the 5 important rules you should always keep in mind:

Don’t Ever Postpone Your First Date

There will certainly be times when you would feel the urge to postpone your first date just because you feel very anxious and jittery about it.  Unless you have a really, really valid reason, don’t ever postpone your first date.  Postponing the date will only bring you more anxiety and it could also send your date the wrong message that you don’t want to date or having second thoughts about dating him or her.  With senior dating remember you’re in your senior years and your years of experience before you should have already made you a mature and sensible person.  Postponing a date, especially the first date, just because you are nervous will not give you any benefits and is simply not a mature thing to do.

The Importance of Good Conversations

Before your actual date, think up of conversation topics you can start with your date.  Avoid controversial topics.  Think of topics that will make you know each other more and that will allow you to have an insight on the personality of your date.  Dates are venues for people to get to know each other better and good conversations would help greatly.  Choose conversation topics that are comfortable and light.  Once you get the conversations up and running, go with the flow and enjoy every minute of sharing ideas and stories with your date.

Where Should You Go On Your First Date?

Of course, the venue of your date is very important especially when you are on your first date.  The venue that you agree on will give an insight on the kind of people that you are.  Choose a place where you can have quiet conversations and enjoy each other’s company.  Wherever you and your date agreed to go on your first date, make sure that you are comfortable about the venue where you are going to meet.  You can go to a coffee shop or a restaurant where you can enjoy the food and drink while having free and easy conversations.  You can also meet for a drink but make sure that it is not in a bar where you will be competing with loud music.

Dressing Up

Be careful how you dress on your first date especially if you are a senior.  Dress appropriately without being too dressy to make a good impression.  The venue you will be going to is a primary consideration when choosing what to wear.  More often than not, business casual is a great idea for dating seniors.  Dressing up in shorts or jeans and sneakers or slippers is too informal for a first date, especially for seniors.

Hope this has inspired you to some degree or been of some help… Here are some more articles on senior dating.

Billy Baker

Online dating tips
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