5 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe – Millionaire Dating

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If time comes that you’ve ever decided to meet your online millionaire date face to face, then congratulations! That means you are about to rock a good relationship with someone. But hey! Don’t ever allow your excitement to blot your common sense. Consider 5 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe and security when meeting your date personally for the first time. It is one of the most important things to remember.

When it comes to meeting your millionaire date face to face, you should always consider your safety to ensure yourself and those who are close to your hearts that you will be fine. Although millionaire dating sites are working hard for your safety, in the end, this responsibility falls on you. There are actually a lot of guys out there who are wearing masks of your ideal Prince Charming but are more like of a hungry wolf.

Here are 5 points to remember to help you keep safe:


A public place would be a good idea. This way you would be pretty safe with the people’s watchful eyes. If anything bad happens, there are other people around you that might be willing to help. So it would be better to stay at a place where other people are in close proximity. If for some instance he suggests that you go somewhere private after your date, resist the temptation of giving in.

Here are a few ideal places on where you can meet your date:

  • Coffee shops – They don’t serve beers here so it keeps you away from drinking any beer.
  • Romantic restaurants – A good lunch or dinner so you can have some time to talk about each other.
  • Picnic – A simple get together that allows for stimulating conversation. This can also be a good venue to show off your sandwich-making skills and other snack expertise.

Remember that it should be a good place for both to open conversations. Not in a place where you can barely talk and hear each other like in a concert or cinema.

Never Allow Yourself to be Picked Up

It would be much better to meet your date somewhere else rather than picking you up from your workplace or your house. You can have your own mode of transportation. This way, you can leave whenever you want if the date is going nowhere as planned. In fact, your date shouldn’t know your home address yet.

Let Someone Know Where you’re Going

Always inform someone where you are going as well as who you are meeting. Also tell them an estimated time of when you are coming home. Never assume that your wealthy partner is safe just because he claims to be religious or gentleman. It’s important not to let your guard down on your first date.

Place and Time

Pick a comfortable place and time for your first date. Always be specific about the time and location. Most dating experts would suggest the time to be on lunchtime. This is because it implies that you still have a job to go back to. It’s also appropriate for first dates since the time is not too long where both might experience some awkwardness in which it might not get both parties to talk.

Be Casual

Don’t be very friendly or cold on your first date. A handshake is the most appropriate on your first meeting. A hug or a kiss is way too much and a nod in your head is way too cold.

At the initial stages of dating, you are still getting to know someone whom you know very little about. That is why it is very important to keep yourself safe.

Don’t be alarmed though there are some good places to go to find a millionaire for both males and females and this my pick of the more established and results driven millionaire dating playgrounds.

Creating a safe environment creates a better situation for yourself. At the end of the date, you will already know something more of the person and can set-up whether or not to have a second date. This applies to all dating scenarios not just millionaire dating.

I hope you can use this,

Billy Baker

Online dating tips
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