Marry a millionaire: A guide for all gold diggers…

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Do you aspire to a life of unimagined wealth? Designer clothes? Private jets? Lots of bling? A closet full of Manolo Blahniks or Jimmy Choos? Vacations in exotic and expensive locations? Don’t we all? There are several ways of achieving this uber lifestyle. One is to win the lottery. The other is to marry a millionaire. Dating rich men will have its short term benefits, but ultimately, the final goal is to find yourself a sugar daddy or very wealthy man who is prepared to match the Harry Winston diamond with a platinum wedding band.

Millionaire Dating

Some cynical gals, who probably aren’t very pretty or just can’t give a fantastic blow job, would probably say it is easier to win the lottery. I think not. Millionaire dating is a long term career path and should be treated with as much care as your forthcoming huge divorce settlement.

Appearances are everything. Beg, borrow or steal to ensure that your face and figure are perfect. How many millionaire men do you see with ugly gals? Consider all work and maintenance to be as important as the personal banker which you will need eventually when you get your hands on his cash.

The wise girl will also work on her education. To date a millionaire successfully requires a fine balance between mentally interesting and not overly intelligent. No man wants to feel threatened intellectually by his wife. Yes, you will be arm candy, but a little mental stimulation is good for the relationship.

Your homemaking skills should be perceived as being superb. If they are not, then you need to find hired staff who have these skills immediately upon meeting your millionaire. Most single millionaires think they want a nice home life. If you plan on eating out every night forever, hiring an army of nannies for the children, and doing nothing more domestic than letting the staff in, I would wait until after the wedding before disclosing those plans.

Don’t be too fussy. There are lots of pretty gals. There are not a lot of wealthy singles. If you suffer from low self esteem you could initially try an ugly millionaire dating site. My philosophy is, how ugly can they be in the dark? Just think of the fortune. Giving a blow job to a poor hot dude is no different to blowing a wealthy sugardaddy.

My other piece of advice would be to date the older millionaires. These men are in more of a hurry as they know life is slipping by. In fact, if you get really lucky, it might slip by while you are still the official bride. This would mean substantially more of a fortune than a generous divorce settlement. Plenty of physical exertion on the honeymoon could be all it takes. If that doesn’t work, try Viagra.

No single millionaire wants to marry a slut. Expert bedroom skills are a prerequisite, but should not be displayed too soon. Make him wait. Most wealthy men are used to getting everything at the click of a finger, or the flourish of a black Amex card. He will be intrigued if you don’t sleep with him immediately.

When dating wealthy men it is also important to find out whether any of their wealth is available. While family trusts are great for houses and what not, there needs to be some assets floating around in his name for the divorce settlement or probate of the estate. If there are other children on the scene from previous marriages try not to alienate them. You do not want to spend the rest of your life fighting them for their Daddy’s money, a la Anna Nicole.

Where to find the winning lottery ticket? Or in this case, a single millionaire. There are many millionaire dating websites out there. Luckily for the pretty girl, most only require that the male members be filthy rich. Women signing on have to be beautiful, and supportive of a wealthy man’s needs. Could these be much different to a poor man’s needs? Mind blowing sex. Undivided loyalty and attention. Dinner. More mind blowing sex.

Here is a fantastic web page that gives you the low down on millionaire dating and all the pros and cons  too …AND also allows you to join with little trouble. Have a look and see which person suits you best. Remember, practice makes perfect. If the first billionaire won’t marry you, don’t give up. Keep the jewels and artwork that he gave you as gifts and move on.

Diamonds really are a girl’s best friend. Especially Harry Winston’s. Be a trophy wife. Marry a millionaire.

..enjoy yourself,

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