Foreign Brides: The Best Of Both Worlds

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Does the thought of having a mother-in-law living on the other side of the world excite you? What about not having to spend every Christmas and Thanksgiving with the in-laws? As if these aren’t compelling enough reasons for some guys to contemplate a foreign bride, there are plenty more.

In the US in the last decade, available statistics for foreign marriages, or mail order brides as they are sometimes known, have suggested that the numbers have doubled. What does this mean? More and more single men from Western countries are finding their wives living in another homeland. There are many factors contributing to this world wide phenomena.

Primarily, more and more Western women are becoming better educated and able to provide for themselves, thus eliminating the pressure of having to have a husband to support them. Many of these women are focusing on their careers and their love lives are taking a back seat. With the increasing availability of the internet it is no big deal to communicate for free with someone who lives a distance away.

Women from countries like Russia and the Philippines are happy to relocate for their Mr Right. Many of these women desperately want to marry and have children. The sad fact is that in Russia many of the men have drinking problems, and a significant percentage are not financial enough to support a wife and family. This leaves a surplus of Russian women looking for husbands elsewhere.

Filipino girls all speak excellent English. They are raised and are accustomed to older husbands with a younger wife. Filipino brides believe in providing a good home environment for their husband and children.

filipino-bride.jpgThe girls in Costa Rica are the ultimate in eye candy. These girls are only a short and cheap plane flight from the US. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the in-laws. Costa Rican girls are also imbued with a strong sense of family.

How do you go about a foreign romance?

There are a couple of ways. The first is to join a reputable and well established foreign dating site. Do your research before parting with your cash. If it seems to good to be true, it may well be. Professional foreign dating sites can and do assist with advice on fiancee visas, technicalities and legalities. If the dating site you are using, does not provide these services, look elsewhere.

Once you have signed up, it is just like a normal dating site, except the girls don’t have a local zip code. Start an online correspondence and take it from there.

The other way is to embark on a romance tour. There are well established companies who organize these tours for single men looking for foreign brides. Again, research is essential. There can be a huge disparity between what some of the tours provide. Interpreters, and 24 hour assistance while away, are two basics you should look for. Many of these sites will give you the profiles of the available ladies before you leave, allowing you to compile your dating wish list.

The destinations available now for romance tours are varied. How can you go wrong? Meeting stacks of single women in a fantastic vacation destination sounds like a win-win situation. All you need to do is to decide which country you would like your future mother-in-law to stay in.

There are single foreign girls out there who are keen to leave their homeland and make a new life for themselves and a husband someplace else. Just because you can’t find love in your zip code or state, does not mean that there is no-one out there for you. Why not avail yourself of today’s technology and find yourself a foreign wife? You will be getting a woman looking for a long-term partnership, along with a mother-in-law who lives on the other side of the world. A foreign bride could be the best of both worlds literally. What more could a man ask for?

Here’s more information but with a different angle on Filipino girls as foreign brides.

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