5 Tips When Cooking for Your Dinner Date

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5 Tips When Cooking for Your Dinner Date Does the idea of cooking for your date and having him (or her) over at your house for dinner appeal to you? Well, while it may not be a good idea for a first or even a second date, a candle-lit, home-cooked dinner for two can be a very romantic idea indeed – especially when you have already established a certain degree of trust and an emotional bond with your date.

So, if you want to carve a niche in your man’s heart through his stomach or if you want to impress your girl with your cooking prowess on a dinner date, here are some tips on how to do things right:

Prepare something simple. One of the most common mistakes people make when cooking for their dates is trying to be overly impressive. Some people just can’t resist trying to prepare something fancy for their dates even if they haven’t tried cooking such dishes before. Believe me, this simply wouldn’t work and may just lead to a disaster. You wouldn’t want that, would you? Not in front of your date.

So, it is definitely way better to prepare something simple or at least, cook a dish that you have prepared before. You may not know it but a simple appetizer or starter dish, a filling but not too heavy main course, an interesting dessert, good quality red and white wines and bottled mineral water are all you need. Just make sure your dishes complement each other and you’ll do just fine.

Remember, the food is not the highlight of the evening. It’s really all about spending some good time together and getting to know each other better. However, this does not mean to say that you should prepare something that requires almost zero effort and imagination. Hey, pizza and spaghetti Bolognese are simply not fit for occasions such as this!

Set your dinner date on a weekend. While you can set your dinner date any time you want, setting it up on a weekend is definitely a lot better since you will have the time to prepare appropriately for the occasion. Remember, you are not simply popping a ready-made dinner on the microwave as you usually do while you’re alone. This is a different thing altogether.

Try to learn about your date’s food preferences. Before planning what to cook for your date, take the time to ask him (or her) if there is something he (or she) doesn’t want to eat. There’s nothing more frustrating than taking the time to cook something your date wouldn’t even dare to touch! Likewise, you shouldn’t attempt to cook their favorite dish unless you are confident that you can do a decent job.

Set the mood. You should definitely consider using candles but please don’t leave the room too dark! You want your date to literally stumble on his or her way to the dining table, would you? Now, since we’re still on the topic about candles, avoid using scented candles that can overpower the enticing aroma of your cuisine. Use those that give off subtle beeswax or vanilla scents instead. You should also make sure that your table is properly set and your apartment clean and neat. Top it off with some soft, relaxing music in the background and you’re good to go!

Take time to relax before your date arrives. For good measure, always allow for some extra time so that you can get everything ready and even take some time to relax and freshen up before your date arrives. It is also a good idea to ask for a friend’s help in preparing the food and the place to take some of the pressure off.

Lastly, just relax and enjoy the moment. Don’t worry if the food is not perfect or if your kitchen is not as neat as you want it to be. What’s important is that you and your date are sharing and basking in this wonderful moment together. That’s what counts the most.

Wishing you a successful dinner date at home 🙂
Billy Baker

Source: sheknows.com

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