Dating Tips for Shy Guys: 5 More Tips that Can Help You Overcome Your Shyness

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shy guy

For today, we are going to share some much needed dating tips for shy guys as a follow-up to our previous article.

You will surely find this article quite useful if you:

  • Think your inherent shyness is getting in the way of your love life
  • Often feel anxious and insecure whenever you are in the company of attractive young ladies
  • Find difficulty meeting, interacting and dating girls you like

So, are you ready to learn how you can ease your dating anxiety? If you are, then let’s get the ball rolling.

Dating Tips for Shy Guys

Join clubs or groups that you find interesting. Learning how to socialize with other people is one of the most important keys to overcoming your shyness. To do this, consider joining clubs or groups that you find interesting. If your interest lies in sports and fitness, then you may want to join a sports club or a walking club. If you love dogs, then you may want to join a dog owners club in your area. You may likewise want to take up French, cooking or computer classes if that’s where your interest lies. What’s important is that you start socializing and interacting with people. Who knows? You may even find your Ms. Right by joining such clubs!

Practice the art of approaching women. Does the idea of approaching someone you don’t know overwhelm you? If it does, well, don’t force yourself. Instead, you should take small, baby steps at a time until it all comes naturally to you. You can probably start by learning how to make eye contact with a member of the opposite sex. Do this every day for about a week until you muster enough confidence to let out a friendly smile or say a warm hello and take it from there. Remember, the more you practice, the more natural it becomes.

Don’t assume anything when you meet a woman you like. If you happen to meet someone you really like, don’t put undue pressure by thinking about her as a future girlfriend. Even if you don’t say or do anything about this, she will instinctively feel it and this will put a strain between the two of you this early in the relationship. Just try to get to know each other first and have fun while you’re at it.

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Do this and you will surely regret it later on. Are you acting like a ladies’ man or a bad boy to cover up your shyness and impress the woman of your dreams? Well, don’t. Stop what you are doing right now and show her who you really are. Nobody wants to fall in love with someone who don’t really exist so try to be appreciated for who you really are.

Now, instead of apologizing for your shyness, you should accept it, work with it and try to be the best person you can be. For all you know, your inherent shyness and unassuming ways may just be the key to the right woman’s heart.

Show genuine interest. When you finally date someone interesting, make it all about her. Ask her questions and listen to what she has to say. Believe me, it will surely be such a refreshing change for her to be with someone who shows some genuine interest in her. By giving her the chance to open up and share her world with you, she will feel more attractive and this can significantly increase your chances of winning her heart.

It is my fervent hope that all you shy guys out there will start coming out of your shells after reading these simple yet effective dating tips for shy guys.

I hope you find the right woman soon,

Billy Baker

Online dating tips
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