First Dates: It’s All About Appearances

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While some may want to sound politically correct by saying that one’s physical appearance doesn’t matter, well, in fact, it does – especially when it comes to first dates. This may sound harsh and shallow but believe me, it’s just the way things are. People are often judged by the way they look.

Taking this into consideration, you need to make sure that you look as good as you possibly can to enhance your chances of finding potential dates.

You need to be able to put your best foot forward to increase the possibility of getting way past first dates.

You need to be at your absolute best to improve your chances of being in a loving relationship with the woman of your dreams.

So, how do you do it? Here are some tips that may prove to be quite useful in attaining your goals:

Try to look good – always. Hey, you don’t have to go to extreme lengths to look good. Just make sure you keep yourself physically fit, wear good-fitting and flattering clothes (it doesn’t have to be expensive, you know) and observe proper hygiene. However, your physical looks wouldn’t get you anywhere if you don’t have an appealing personality to go along with it – and this brings us to the next item on the list.

Nurture a more positive attitude. Even if you don’t have what it takes to be a heartthrob, you can make women fall for you – if only you believe in yourself. You can be as attractive as you can be without having to be a ‘looker’ in the real sense of the word. So, what’s the secret? Well, the secret is nothing more than having a positive attitude and outlook in life.

Men who are comfortable in their own skin, show genuine interest in people and are not afraid of taking calculated risks are especially attractive to women and find themselves way beyond those nerve-wrecking first dates. Additionally, studies show that men who make women smile (and laugh) can earn bonus points in any woman’s heart. Do you think you have what it takes to be this kind of man?

Take good care of your car. So, what does your car have to do with all these? Well, you need to know that your car serves as an extension of your physical self. More than the kind of car you drive, the condition of your car represents how you take care of things that are important to you. If your car is literally overflowing with garbage and miscellaneous debris, your date will instantly make a connection between you and that mess. Do you think that will make a good impression during first dates? You’re right – it wouldn’t.

Similarly, rarely washed cars and those that have a distinctively foul odor wouldn’t make a good first impression, either. So, make sure that your car looks and smells good before you go out on a date. Better yet, keep it clean at all times.

Before I forget, make sure you play the right music for your date. Mellow music will do just fine, especially if you keep the volume at the right level – not too loud yet not too soft. Sounds like romance is in the air? You bet it is!

Keep your nest in order. Whether you are living in a four-bedroom house or an apartment, you should make sure that everything is in order, especially if you plan on taking your date home. Just like your car, your crash pad can say a lot of things about you and this can either work for or against your favor.

Now that you know that physical appearances play a significant role in your love life, especially during those critical first dates, would you consider making some necessary changes? It may be about time you do.

I hope you find this post interesting,

Billy Baker

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