How to Break up with your Boyfriend

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Not sure how to break up with your boyfriend? Breaking up has never been so easy. ‘There must be 50 ways to leave your lover’. Not really. Using his personality type, Coco Swan gives you 3 break up tips.

You want to break up. It’s time to call it quits… How do you go about giving your boyfriend the dreaded news that you don’t want to see him anymore? Breaking up with someone is never easy. While you have already made up your mind, often for the other half the news is coming like a bolt out of the blue. The best way to break up is to determine his personality type and then follow this break up advice.

1: Mr. Insecure (Mr. Needy). At first, you thought he was the one. He was perfect. He was your soul mate. You fell for each other hard. You were sooo in love with each other. Totally smitten. At the start, he was entirely besotted with you. Everything was perfect. Now, you can’t remember the last time you saw your friends and you have noticed you seem to spend all your time with him. Your soul mate is not being quite so affectionate with you and has started getting a bit terse as well. Lately, he has even started saying he is the best thing you are ever going to get. This guy’s modus operandis is to lure you in and then have you so dependent on him that you are too scared to leave him. He has removed you from everyone else to isolate you. This guy is terribly insecure and it is time to break up before he totally does your head in. If you stick with this guy, pretty soon he will have you believing that you are lucky that even he tolerates you.

The kiss off: You will have to treat this guy with kid gloves when you break up. This guy is highly likely to put on an Oscar winning performance of remorse and tears. He will promise to change. He won’t. The best way to deal with him is to tell him you are not ready for such a level of commitment. Ignore his pleading. Don’t give him a second chance because the relationship will only deteriorate further.

2: Mr. Ego (I’m too sexy). Initially, you couldn’t believe your luck at catching this hot guy. All your friends were jealous of you dating this Adonis. He even has beautiful manners and is polite to your parents. However, now you have come to realize that those drop dead gorgeous looks come at a price and that this guy is Mr. High Maintenance. He has more visits to the beauty counter than you, and visits the hair stylist on a regular basis to maintain that trendy do. His life really revolves around himself and his image. Deep down, he’s really superficial.

The kiss off: The best way to dump this walking mirror is straight up. Tell him you that you have different interests and that you don’t like doing what he does. Fundamentally, you don’t think you have anything in common, except perhaps for product. Not only will you be fare welling this shallow creature but you may also decrease the size of his ego. Of course, there are men that you should never date.

3: Mr. Nice Guy (Get a life). This guy has been the perfect boyfriend. He watches chick flicks happily, sends you flowers, accompanies you to the mall willingly, and even likes your friends. His mantra is ‘anything you want to do is fine with me’. Now you realize there is no challenge in this relationship. You are getting tired of him not having a mind of his own and you are feeling a bit like you want your own space. Don’t just keep dating this guy because he is too nice to hurt, or you will just end up not being able to stand him.

The kiss off: This guy is so nice that you don’t want to hurt his feelings. Breaking up with this too nice guy can be really hard. You can’t just say to him ‘you are so nice you are driving me mad’. You have to break up with this guy gently. Whatever you do, don’t say ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. This guy deserves better than that. You could try a line like ‘you deserve someone better than me’ or ‘it’s not a good time for me to have a boyfriend’ or ‘I really like you, but the chemistry just isn’t right’. Whatever you say, try to be kind but firm. Try to convert him into a platonic friend as this sort of personality can make a great guy pal.

Other ultimate send offs: If you can’t figure out his personality, or none seem appropriate, you can always try one of these well used lines to dump him.
‘I have decided that I prefer girls.’ A drastic statement that works well.
‘I have met someone else.’ Even if you haven’t, this has a tone of finality.
‘I want to get married and have your babies’. Absolutely guaranteed that you will never see him again.

If you’re ready to take action and learn all you can about finding, attracting and keeping a man, I think this is an excellent source of dating tips and guides for women.

Adieu, Coco Swan.


  • maia

    the best way ever is simply saying it laud ,never wait too long after u make your mind and always pick a place with people around u so if he get to mad there will be someone to help u out change if it is optional cell phone number and mail

  • Alida

    It would be great if one could turn back the clock. – nice piece!

  • ArmindaG

    I like the approach of matching your break up style to the guys style. I think the most important thing is to make it very clear that you are breaking up with him too often guys can read other things into what you’re saying if you don’t make it very clear. How you do it isn’t as important as doing it, just do it you can do it.

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