Gay Dating Services

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Though there are multitudes of gay internet dating sites on the web, there are also some gay dating services available which offer a more precise and personalized service.  These services operate in much the same way that physical dating services historically have, with “matchmakers” speaking to all of the members who sign up and finding out enough about them and what they hope to accomplish by using the service that they can introduce compatible members to one another.

Gay Dating Services


Gay Options has been in the business of matchmaking since 1994, always focusing on the gay and lesbian community.  They say that their gay dating service specializes in finding a match for those people who are looking for a long term relationship.

Matching is done by people, and is not automated. The matchmaking team actually speaks to each of the new members to get a feel for them, their situation, and what they are looking for in a partner.  Then they go to work to find potential compatible matches for each person based on more than 100 physical and non-physical characteristics, as well as their personal knowledge of each of the members.

They screen the members well to ensure that they are honest in their assessments and emotionally ready for a relationship, and they stand behind the accuracy of information given to you about those they introduce you to as well.

Because they respect individual privacy and work in a dignified way, they are an effective alternative to hanging out in bars or scoping out online personals.  The members are a diverse clientele, with ages ranging from 21 to the 60’s, and differing relationship backgrounds. All of them are committed to being open to a long-term relationship with the right person. Most of the clients, but not all, seem to fit this pattern: very private, busy career professionals who are not into the bar scene and want to meet quality people, and have often been in a previous long-term relationship.

This service is may not be suitable for those who are looking for a more casual or friendly relationships.

Gay and Lesbian Introductions:

Gay and Lesbian Introductions is one of the earliest private gay dating services for both gay and lesbian singles.  One of only a handful of gay dating services that maintains personal contact with all of the members, and has over 15 years experience in personalized gay matchmaking.

They say that meeting people is easy, but meeting the right people that you have things in common with and can laugh and share with is much more difficult.  That’s where they come in.  They will focus on compatibility and not computers, and values instead of videos- and believe their system really does work.  They have a staff of counselors that takes the time to get to know you, no guesswork or videos. Just good people who want to help you find someone to share your life with.  Their philosophy is that the only way to find the right person for you is to get to know you.

Most people, gay and straight, leave relationships to chance because they do not know there is a better alternative.  Psychologists say that to create a lasting, quality relationship, the people involved must be compatible.  However, most couples build relationships based only on physical chemistry and are disappointed when they realize that they really are incompatible.

Gay and Lesbian Introductions say they want to help you treat your social life with the same level of energy that you do your career, because what will give you the greatest level of satisfaction is a great relationship.

Of course, with more personalized service comes a hefty price tag: over $1400 for one year of service.

Speed Date:

Speed Date is an online gay dating service, but with a twist.  Instead of poring over profiles, sending emails that may or may not be answered, and chatting via email or instant messaging for weeks or months, you are instantly connected to singles that fit the profile you’re interested in.  Speed Date sets up a number of three minute video dates with people in your area, and you can quickly see whether there is any chemistry between you or any of your dates.  It’s all about quick, round-robin style speed dating.  This has been very successful in bringing people together offline, and now it has moved on to the web.  It is a quick way to check somebody out and see if there are sparks, before you spend a lot of time finding out there aren’t.   If you find someone you click with, you’ll be well on your way to your second date.

Testimonials indicate that Speed Dating is a great idea, but may lack in execution.

These are just a few of the personalized gay dating services that you might choose to help you find that special someone. Here is one of our most favourite gay dating services review. Don’t hesitate, but sign up and start meeting some people that you’re truly compatible with.

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