Using a Gay Dating Site

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People looking into gay dating sites for the first time often have many questions.  Here, we’ll try and answer a few of the most common ones we get.

How can online dating reviews help you choose the gay dating site that is just right for you?

When you first decide to look into gay dating sites, you should cast your stones into as many ponds as necessary until you find a site that feels like home.  Almost every site offers a limited membership. This will not give you complete access to the profiles generally, but will let you see enough that you can decide if the quality of the people on the site is what you’re looking for.   This is where online gay dating site reviews can help. They have previously done a considerable amount of research into the sites, as well as gotten feedback from actual users to form the basis for their review, so you can be sure that it is on the money.

How do I set up my profile?

First things first!  You need to have a great picture of yourself. Make it very natural- no Glamour Shots, and no 20 year old pictures.  Use a very recent, natural photo of yourself, and just use a head shot. You can have a friend grab a digital camera and take ten or 20 shots of you, then pick the one that looks best, and most like you!  Make sure that you smile in your photo.  You want to intrigue great people, not scare them off.

Many people only fill out minimal information in their profile, and that’s okay if you don’t want to attract any attention.  You don’t need to go crazy telling your life story, but give folks enough information to be able to get the real picture of you in their minds.  You’ll have a lot more people interested in speaking with you if you seem interesting!

Should we meet right away or get to know each other first?

This question can only be answered with, “Do what you feel comfortable doing.”  That being said, many people seem to email or chat back and forth for a week or two before deciding that they have enough in common that a physical meeting sounds good to them both.   Others are very insistent that they can’t tell a thing through email and they want to meet immediately to see if there is enough chemistry between them to warrant expending more time on this other person.  Decide what you feel is right for you, and be upfront about that with people who contact you so that they know what your expectations are.  If your rule for yourself is that you won’t meet anybody until you’ve talked to them for a week, but twenty minutes into a chat with someone you feel comfortable setting up a physical meeting, do it!

Isn’t online dating dangerous?

Gay dating sites are no more dangerous than any other dating site, and caution is the keyword when meeting new people in any venue.

Always arrange for the first date or two to be in a public place, preferably during daylight hours, for safety reasons.  Let someone know where you are going, and who you are going to meet.  99.9% of dates arranged through gay dating sites go smoothly (other than the initial jitters when meeting someone new) but it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Meeting for lunch is very non- threatening, and try to meet somewhere close to your home so that you can make a quick getaway if the date is just a total flop.  Politely tell the other person that you are sorry to have wasted their time, as you seem to have misjudged your compatibility, but that it was great meeting them.

Joining gay dating sites can be quite rewarding.  Your dating success can be just a few quick clicks away. Remember that many people don’t find the partner they deserve is because of inaction.  Make your moves and find someone to cuddle up with this winter. You can always visit our reviewed and favourite gay dating sites.

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