It’s Really All about the Timing: 3 Essential Tips in Asking for a Date

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3 Essential Tips in Asking for a Date

No one needs to tell you that Asking for a Date timing plays a crucial part if you want to successfully ask someone out for a date, right? Not only do you need to know the best time and the best night of the week to ask her out – you also need to be sensitive enough to know what is going on in her life before you even think of popping out that all-important question. So, how do you increase your chances of getting her to say ‘yes’? Here are some simple yet effective tips that can help you achieve your goals:

Ask her for a date during weeknights. While most of us think that weekend is by far the best time to go out on a date for a lot of various reasons, asking a girl out on a weeknight can be a lot better. Yes, you have the liberty to stay out late on a weekend night and there are more events that you can go to during these times but a first date on a weeknight can also work to your advantage. Why is this so? Let us count the reasons why:

Most people already have plans for their weekends. Since weekends are essentially the only free time most people have, there is a great chance that they already made plans well ahead of time.

Dates on a weeknight are essentially less formal than a weekend date. As such, you and your date can languish in a more relaxed atmosphere and get to know each other a lot better. And since you are not competing with any other significant events for your date’s attention, there is also a great chance that she will appreciate your efforts in trying to give her a night to remember – especially if you succeed in doing so!

You will have a better chance of finding someone whom you really like in a shorter period of time. Dating on weeknights means more possible dates, right?

If the date turns out to be less successful than you expected, you can graciously bring it to an end a lot earlier. After all, it is still a weeknight. You both need to go to work the following day.

Choose the right moment to approach your date. If you are out dating in a pub or a nightclub, you should also know the perfect time to approach your date. Do not, by all means, interrupt her after she has just met her friends. It will only ruin your chances of getting closer to her. It’s always better to wait it out for a while before you ask her to dance. However, don’t wait until the last song is being played before asking her to dance with you.

Know her life circumstances before asking her out. Have you ever asked a girl out only to find that she has just recently got into a relationship with another guy? Or maybe she is not yet quite ready for another relationship after breaking up with her boyfriend? How about meeting someone interesting while you are about to relocate to another city? Needless to say, timing issues such as these can also affect your chances of successfully dating a girl you like. However, don’t let these things affect you. It’s really not about you. It’s just the way things are.

Some Other Tips to Increase Your Chances of Getting Her to Go with You on a Date

Don’t be scared to ask her out. Remember, the more you ask, the more confident you will be.

Offer an alternative when asking her out. Would she be willing to go with you on a Thursday or a Friday night? Remember, it is always a great idea to let her choose when she wants to go out on a date.

Give her the impression that you also have other things to do. Letting a girl know that you also have other things to do rather than going out on a date with her can definitely work wonders. Try it and see how effective it can be.

Move on when she says ‘no’. There are a lot of attractive girls out there so move on to the next one. It is not the end of the world, you know.

Remember, timing is one of the most important factors that can help determine whether or not you will succeed in asking somebody out. So, keep these things in mind and apply them whenever you want to ask a girl out on a date to increase your chances of success. Believe me, these tips work!

Wishing you the best,
Billy Baker

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