When you’ve decided to be who you really are, it can be difficult to meet other women who are bisexual or Lesbian Dating.  So where are some places that lesbian and bisexual women can meet others? Here are a few ideas that should help you meet people for friendship, support, and possibly relationships.

Join a Team

Recreational sports teams are located in almost every city around the world.  Sports like softball, basketball, and volleyball especially seem attractive to lesbian women.  Some towns actually have whole leagues dedicated to lesbian and gay athletes, and in other places you might need to ask around to find out which town has the reputation of being the “lesbian” team, strange as that may seem.  If you aren’t athletic or really aren’t into playing the sports, rugby and softball games often have many lesbian spectators, and it can be a little more comfortable to strike up a conversation while watching a game and commenting on the action on the field.

Hit the Clubs

In nearly all cities, and even some smaller towns, there are often lesbian bars. On weekends, these bars can get pretty crowded and pretty wild.  If that’s not your style, try stopping in for a drink during the weekday Happy Hour for a much more relaxed atmosphere. These bars often have karaoke or open microphone nights during the week that are fairly tame as well,  where it’s possible to meet people in a low key and friendly environment.

Special Centers

If your town has any gay and lesbian centers, it is a great place to meet other people.  There are often support groups, book and movie clubs, and other types of activities geared toward helping people get to know each other.  Sometimes, there might be more than one in a town, so check into each of them and find a place that feels comfortable for you to meet like-minded people.

Get Involved

Sometimes the best way to meet other people with interests like yours is to actively take part in things that interest you.  Volunteering for something you feel passionate about is always a good thing to do—and there might be other lesbians there as well.  Even though the number of other lesbians might be small, you certainly will know that you have something in common with them.  Joining a local hiking group or garden club will certainly involve getting to know some new people.  Sometimes meeting new straight people and becoming friends also leads to meeting some lesbian or bisexual friends of theirs.

That’s what Friends are for

Chances are that a lot of your friends and co-workers probably know other bisexual or lesbian women, but are hesitant to play matchmaker.  Let these people know that you are definitely interested in meeting new people just to have a wider circle of friends. Once you meet just a few lesbians that you clique well with, they will probably introduce you to some more of their friends, and eventually you’ll be welcomed into a whole new group.

Group Outings

Another way to meet new people is to find groups committed to helping people get to know one another.  There are a number of online portals dedicated to this type of thing.  One of the biggest is meetup.com, and they have groups for anything and everything you might imagine.  The groups are formed with the idea for people to actually “meet up” and get to know each other while doing something that they enjoy- which helps you to meet a lot of new people in a casual environment.

Church on Sunday

Some churches are much more open to the gay and lesbian lifestyle than others.  United Church of Christ and Unitarian Churches are known to be tolerant, even welcoming, to gay and lesbian members and visitors.  Most times, the churches will advertise as “open and welcoming” to let GLBT community know they are welcome there.

Where do you live?

Most bigger cities have a neighborhood where lesbians and gays seem to live most often. Find the local hangout in that neighborhood—maybe a small café or coffeehouse, and you’ll be able to meet lots of new people.  Of course, if you live in that neighborhood, your chances of meeting new people multiply every time you take out your trash or walk your dog. If you prefer to move quickly, this page provides reviews of lesbian dating sites and services we prefer.

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