Protect Yourself from Date Rape – Some Useful Tips to Keep You Safe

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Dating is supposed to be fun.  But when your date starts taking advantage of the situation and tries to force their worldly desires on you, things can really get ugly. So, do you know how you can avoid becoming a victim in such situations? And do you know how you can protect yourself from Date Rape whenever you go out on a date? It’s about time you do.

The Shocking Truth about Date Rape

Date rape is fast becoming one of the worst social ills of modern society. Here are some statistics that may shock you:

  • According to a study published in the 2001 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, one in every five high school students are being physically and/or sexually abused by their dates.
  • Every year, about one in eight college-aged women is raped. In 85% of all these cases, the victim knows her attacker. (Data source: Texas Women’s University, 2007)
  • Date rape accounts for about 70% of all sexual assaults on adolescent and college-age women. Approximately 38% of all the victims are minors – between 14 and 17 years old. (Data source: Oregon Law Center)
  • Based on the data collected by the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault in 2002, a woman is four times more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by someone she doesn’t know.  However, less than 2% of date rape and assault cases get reported to the authorities.

Protecting Yourself against Date Rape

With all these things going on, it is only wise that you take care of yourself whenever you go out on a date. So, how do you do it? Here are some tips that may help keep you safe from your date:

  • Don’t go out with strangers. If you’re planning to go out with someone you met online, take the time to know him better first. Bring a friend along with you on your first meeting and make sure you only meet in public places.
  • Try not to get intoxicated. Drinking dulls your senses so stay within the 1 to 2 drink limit. Remember, majority of date rape victims have reportedly been drinking before the crime took place. Some people are just waiting for you to let your guards down so don’t let them get that chance. Stay sober!
  • Keep an eye on your drinks at all times. It’s really quite easy to lace somebody’s drinks with date rape drugs so don’t let your drinks out of your sight even for just a second! To stay safe, carry it with you all the time, even when you’re going to the restroom. Now, if you happen to lose sight of your drinks, simply get another one. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right?
  • Be careful in accepting drinks from strangers (and even from someone you know!). Like what I said before, the ease by which date rape drugs can be added to your drinks cannot be underestimated. So, when accepting drinks from others, make sure you watch as the bartender prepares it. And oh, only accept your drinks from the bartender who prepared it.
  • Always keep your distance. While a little flirting can be fun, it’s always advisable to keep a little distance between you and your date, even if you’ve already known him for quite some time. You can never tell what may happen this time around, do you?
  • Don’t be afraid to say no. If you don’t like what’s happening, you can always say no or get out of there – fast. As such, you should always bring some extra cash with you. Who knows when you’ll need to hail a cab, right?
  • Secure a ride home with your female friends. Data reveals that 88% of all date rape cases take place on the ride home.
  • Arm yourself. Try to have something with you that can help you thwart a man’s lewd advances, should the need for it arises.

Don’t be the next victim. The power to avoid date rape is in your hands so use it to protect yourself from harm.

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I hope you find this post useful,

Billy Baker

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