First Date Tips for Women: Learn What Not to Say on a First Date

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So, you don’t know what to say and what not to say on a first date? Well, don’t worry. A lot of people from both sexes are pretty much in the same boat. But if you really feel that you need some help along these lines, here are some first date tips for women who don’t want to blow their chances of finding their Mr. Right.

Let’s face it. First dates can really be quite stressful, even for those of you who have gained a lot of experience in this department for the past couple of years or so. And this intense pressure can lead you to say something dumb or downright stupid, as some of you have probably experienced at one point of your life or another. Worse, it can even lead some of you to say some things that can ruin your chances of being asked on a second date. Sounds familiar? Well, I guess it is.

So, how can you improve your chances of being asked out on a second date? More than just looking and smelling good, what you say and don’t say can play an important part in determining the success of your first date. With this said, please take note of the following first date conversation no-no’s.

Avoid talking about past relationships. Why talk about your ex when you’re out on a first date with another man? Surely there are better, more suitable things to talk about, right? So, don’t go about complimenting or criticizing your ex. You’ll just sound like you are still not over him. Keep your past relationships under the radar if you want to give yourself another chance of finding the right guy for you.

Keep your personal life private. Even if you are seeing some other men, do not confirm nor deny the fact. It will only lead the conversation to what you want and don’t want in a man. This kind of conversation will only create negative tension between you and your date.

Keep religion and politics out of the equation. While this may seem like a ‘no-brainer’ for some, there are some people who can’t seem to avoid these topics. Well, if you want to create a good first impression and enjoy a great time with your date, don’t even think about these things!

Don’t talk about money. So, you don’t have any source of income and are having some financial difficulties at the moment? Well, who isn’t? Anyway, talking about such things may not be appropriate during the first date. Do you think you should really bring that up now?

Don’t discuss depressing life circumstances. Aside from your current financial problems, talking about depressing life circumstances may lead your date to assume that there are issues you need to deal with before you can go on with your life. Do you really want to give him that impression?

Don’t go complaining about your day or your life in general. Are you one of the girls who go on complaining about her life to every living soul she happens to meet? Well, if you are, you need to know that good men don’t find such attitude attractive. They don’t want to hear anything about it, especially during the first date.

Don’t talk about marriage. Hey, don’t go there too fast! First dates are about getting to know each other, not tying the knot. Do you really want to scare your date away for good?

So, do you think you learned something from these first date tips we just shared with you? Admittedly, these are just some of the first date conversation blunders some people commit. There are a lot more where it came from but these will definitely give you a nice idea on what topics to avoid during your first date.

Good luck,

Billy Baker

Online dating tips
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